Sunday, April 02, 2006

Part 2 - That Gasoline Smell...

The newly acquired position was situated underneath a classroom, in a dark spot that remained shaded for most of the year, a good thing from our perspective as summer was heading up. Far too many lunchtimes had been sweated out on the handball court, and water fights in the final minutes to cool down as we went to class. Nothing at all to do with the lightness of the girls shirts, or their clingy nature when wet.
The key feature of the locale was the wooden benches, of which a limited amount existed in the quad. They had been well bent by the previous users, slouched to perfection as it were. This early in the morning, being laid back was a natural state. As close to sleep as possible, in the final minutes before class started, and then we could get some proper sleep.
Waddap, Bitches.’ Yes, people really did talk like that, a disaffected quote thrown like the schoolbag hitting the bench.
Nikki says she’s gonna have a party this Friday night,’ Jase says, dropping onto the bench with a thud. Tilbury’s lying down, and Nick’s bag’s there, though he himself is probably off with Amanda getting in a few more minutes of couple time. BJ’s the closest thing to a morning person in the group, though you couldn’t tell by the bleary look in his eye. The news of the party gathers barely a reaction.
Duffman says a lot of things,’ Tilbury mumbles under the book covering his face, ‘She cancelled three weeks ago, remember?’
‘Yeah, but her parents cancelled their trip, and now they’re going this weekend. And we can party Friday.’ You know, I’ll probably be putting more effort into gearing folks up for it later in the day, later in the week, but I’ve been hanging out for something for a while now, and someone’s gotta pay attention.
‘Whatever. Do you know what we’re watching today?’ ah well, Tilbury dismissed it without a spare thought.
Apocalypse Now. Again. He couldn’t think of anything relevant that won’t be missed.’ At least Jase is paying attention. It’s only going to be the first 45 minutes, so we won’t even get to the bunnies today. Redux hasn’t come out yet either, so it’s only the tame bunnies. Something to sleep to, I guess.
Well, the Bell rings, somewhat louder than strictly necessary this early in the a.m., (après midi, at least something stuck from French last year), and we trudge towards class, after staying in place for a minute. It’s about making a point – we don’t have to go to class, we choose to. So we get there, right above our spot, really, and Attwood’s about as excited as us to be there. Mumbles something about a meeting, how more kids should be here, puts in the video and skives off. Something to do before roll call anyway. And an opportunity to figure out the exact wording of that phrase – ‘I love the smell of napalm in the morning.’


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